What is Reiki?
Reiki is a complimentary, alternative, and holistic energy healing modality. It utilizes universal life force energy to promote healing through love in alignment with the animal's highest good, health, and wellness. It is a healing modality which has been performed world-wide for centuries and is natural, gentle, and safe for any animal.
The word Reiki is derived from two words. "Rei" which means the higher intelligence that guides our lives and future. Some people may refer to this intelligence as Spirit, God, Creator, or Eternal Sacred Source/Infinite Creator. No matter what you call it, this is the energy of pure love. "Ki" means the life force energy in all of us, the energy that animates all living things. When this energy is not present, the physical body is no longer considered to be alive. Other energy modalities such as Qi-gong, Tai Chi or Healing Touch refer to this energy as "Chi". If you have ever felt someone staring at you or felt them invade your personal space, you have experienced the energetic fields that surround each of our bodies. Sometimes, these fields are referred to as electromagnetic or bio-field energies. These energy fields are "ki" or "Chi" in action and can be photographed in aura photography. Also, these fields can be measured with medical equipment such as heart monitors, brain scans, body temperature sensors, or any number of other devices. This "ki" of "Chi" is also present in the foods we eat and helps keep our cells energized to complete their bodily functions . The combination of the "Rei" and the "ki" help to facilitate our own natural healing response, strengthen our own self regulation, and smooth any energetic disturbances in our system. This is one of the wonderful things about Reiki. Once it is activated, it flows to the root cause of the issue harmlessly through the "Rei" intelligence. It is even safe to use on pregnant animals! Reiki is basically a two-way meditation with the animal and an attuned practitioner who uses Reiki symbols to focus the energy to where it is needed most.
The theory behind Reiki is that each living being is made up of a physical body (cells, organs, and body systems), an emotional body (feelings), a mental body (thoughts and beliefs), and a spiritual body (connection to something greater than ourselves, life force energies, and to others). Each of these bodies function through flowing energy. Normally, energy flows with ease and grace and each body can function in alignment with it's original purpose. However, sometimes, this energy flow can become disturbed or imbalanced. When this occurs, an energy block begins to form. If left unresolved, illness or dis-ease can occur and affect one or more of our bodies. Four Paws Reiki helps dissolve or release these energy blocks.
To look at it another way, every living being has a natural flow of energy and a unique energy signature. When we interact with someone else's energy, it can affect us and change our natural energy flow. This can occur through a personal interaction or our thoughts and feelings about another person or situation. For example, if someone around us is feeling stressed, anxious, upset, and/or tense we can often pick up on their emotions which changes the way we feel. Instead of releasing these feelings, they can then get suppressed or stuck within the body. This will interfere with the normal energy flow and cause an energy block. Animals often experience the same energy imbalances caused primarily by the changing moods of the household. The problem is that animals do not understand that these feelings are not their own and have difficulty releasing this energy. Thus, our animal companions even more susceptible to energy blocks which can affect their health.
Energy flow in the body takes place through the chakras and energy meridians. Reiki utilizes these channels to direct and correct the flow of energy.
The word Reiki is derived from two words. "Rei" which means the higher intelligence that guides our lives and future. Some people may refer to this intelligence as Spirit, God, Creator, or Eternal Sacred Source/Infinite Creator. No matter what you call it, this is the energy of pure love. "Ki" means the life force energy in all of us, the energy that animates all living things. When this energy is not present, the physical body is no longer considered to be alive. Other energy modalities such as Qi-gong, Tai Chi or Healing Touch refer to this energy as "Chi". If you have ever felt someone staring at you or felt them invade your personal space, you have experienced the energetic fields that surround each of our bodies. Sometimes, these fields are referred to as electromagnetic or bio-field energies. These energy fields are "ki" or "Chi" in action and can be photographed in aura photography. Also, these fields can be measured with medical equipment such as heart monitors, brain scans, body temperature sensors, or any number of other devices. This "ki" of "Chi" is also present in the foods we eat and helps keep our cells energized to complete their bodily functions . The combination of the "Rei" and the "ki" help to facilitate our own natural healing response, strengthen our own self regulation, and smooth any energetic disturbances in our system. This is one of the wonderful things about Reiki. Once it is activated, it flows to the root cause of the issue harmlessly through the "Rei" intelligence. It is even safe to use on pregnant animals! Reiki is basically a two-way meditation with the animal and an attuned practitioner who uses Reiki symbols to focus the energy to where it is needed most.
The theory behind Reiki is that each living being is made up of a physical body (cells, organs, and body systems), an emotional body (feelings), a mental body (thoughts and beliefs), and a spiritual body (connection to something greater than ourselves, life force energies, and to others). Each of these bodies function through flowing energy. Normally, energy flows with ease and grace and each body can function in alignment with it's original purpose. However, sometimes, this energy flow can become disturbed or imbalanced. When this occurs, an energy block begins to form. If left unresolved, illness or dis-ease can occur and affect one or more of our bodies. Four Paws Reiki helps dissolve or release these energy blocks.
To look at it another way, every living being has a natural flow of energy and a unique energy signature. When we interact with someone else's energy, it can affect us and change our natural energy flow. This can occur through a personal interaction or our thoughts and feelings about another person or situation. For example, if someone around us is feeling stressed, anxious, upset, and/or tense we can often pick up on their emotions which changes the way we feel. Instead of releasing these feelings, they can then get suppressed or stuck within the body. This will interfere with the normal energy flow and cause an energy block. Animals often experience the same energy imbalances caused primarily by the changing moods of the household. The problem is that animals do not understand that these feelings are not their own and have difficulty releasing this energy. Thus, our animal companions even more susceptible to energy blocks which can affect their health.
Energy flow in the body takes place through the chakras and energy meridians. Reiki utilizes these channels to direct and correct the flow of energy.
Four Paws Reiki explains chakras

Chakras are basically energy vortexes which pull life force energy into the physical body and then distribute it to each and every part of our bodies as needed. Chakras located in the core of our bodies and are often pictured as whirlpools, flowers opening, or pinwheels. Each chakra has a color associated with it which is visualized during a Reiki session. The direction of flow and the quality of the color tell the Reiki healer some information about what is going on with the person or animal they are working on. Other information about the needs of the person or animal is picked up on intuitively by the practitioner and will also guide the session.
Each chakra connects the physical body to the emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body. Energy from the chakras interact with the body through endocrine glands, chemical messengers, nervous system, and energy meridians (the energy highways in our bodies). This is just a true in animals as it is in people and the chakras are located in essentially the same locations. Below are some of the common attributes and body systems associated with each chakra. Keep in mind, all chakras may affect more than what is listed below and there may be many other reasons why a chakra is found to be out of balance.
Crown Chakra:
Third Eye/Brow Chakra:
Throat Chakra:
Heart Chakra:
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Sacral Chakra:
Root or Base Chakra:
Each chakra connects the physical body to the emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body. Energy from the chakras interact with the body through endocrine glands, chemical messengers, nervous system, and energy meridians (the energy highways in our bodies). This is just a true in animals as it is in people and the chakras are located in essentially the same locations. Below are some of the common attributes and body systems associated with each chakra. Keep in mind, all chakras may affect more than what is listed below and there may be many other reasons why a chakra is found to be out of balance.
Crown Chakra:
- Located at the top center of head
- Violet/deep purple with occasional white color
- Connection to universal energy, spirit, brain, central nervous system, spine, skin, fur, regulation of body systems
- This chakra often depleted in anxious, hyper, or obsessed animals
- Affects memory, thinking, behavior patterns, balance, hormone regulation, emotions, level of alertness/anxiety/relaxation, and pineal gland
Third Eye/Brow Chakra:
- Located mid-forehead centered just above the eyes
- Indigo or blue/violet color
- Connection to universal love, nature, understanding everything in life (environment/events etc), how the world is viewed
- This chakra is often out of balance in stressed, anxious, abused, neglected, or depressed animals
- Affects eyes/sight, nose/smell, endocrine system, instincts, sense of belonging, the lower brain, and pituitary gland
Throat Chakra:
- Located over the center of throat or neck
- Blue color
- Connection to communication (including non-verbal ways animals communicate to us and our understanding of them)
- This chakra often out of balance in frustrated, mis-understood, ignored or poorly socialized animals
- Affects ears/hearing, mouth, throat, teeth, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, shoulders, forelimbs, and lungs
Heart Chakra:
- Located over the physical heart. Can be accessed from the front of the chest, between the forelimbs, or over the area between the shoulder blades
- green color
- Connection to giving/receiving love, connection to other beings (animal or human), circulatory system, energy delivery method to all cells in the body, filtering waste/toxins from the body, forgiveness, unconditional love, balance of emotions, all emotional body
- This chakra is often out of balance when there is a change in routine, grief, pain, shock, medical needs, loneliness, stress, boredom, abuse, lack of love, or when the animal was taken away from parent too early
- Affects heart, lungs, immune system, muscles of chest/trunk, circulatory system, diaphragm, and thymus gland
Solar Plexus Chakra:
- Located at the lower end of the rib cage, near the xiphoid process (end of the sternum). Best described as the area where the ribs end and the softer area of the trunk begins. Can be accessed from spine or abominal areas.
- Yellow color
- Connection to personal empowerment, sense of purpose, release of emotions, freedom of spirit, life force energies
- This chakra is often out of balance when disease or behavioral issues are present
- Affects spleen, pancreas, stomach, adrenal glands, liver, entire digestive system, and overall metabolism
Sacral Chakra:
- Located just below the mid-abdomen area, center of hip region. Can be accessed from spine or abdominal areas.
- Orange color
- Connection to sense of security, nurturing, internal equilibrium, pleasure, sexuality
- This chakra often out of balance in animals who pull at the lead excessively or have head muzzles, are living in chaotic environments, have traumatic past
- Affects back/spine, reproductive system, kidney, lymphatic system, pancreas, upper intestines, bladder, and gonads
Root or Base Chakra:
- Located where the tail joins the body.
- Red color
- Connection to instincts, self preservation, safety, protection, connection to Mother Earth/nature, basic trust, territory concerns, staying present in the moment/grounding, basic survival needs, and how we relate to the physical environment
- This chakra often out of balance when there is conflict between the lifestyle we impose and the animals true nature, separation/loss
- Affects legs and feet, excretory system, spine, adrenal glands, lower intestines