Whenever I mention the possibility of remote Reiki sessions, most people look at me and say "I just don't understand it". While it does take a bit of faith, I have seen wonderful results with this type of session. The rationale for it is based in quantum physics and is related to the finding that we are all connected (that there is really no time or space and that we are all really one). The science behind that is often difficult to understand as it gets esoteric. Here are a few everyday examples of connections that occur without being in the same location. My hope is you will start see how a remote session can be possible.
Most of us take for granted that when we make a cell phone call, the person on the other end of the call (no matter how far away they are) is miraculously hearing what is said immediately. This occurs without wired connection or being in the same space. Instead, the signal (along with millions of other calls at the same time) is bounced off a satellite and connected by a specific phone number/"address". You are able to have a conversation with exactly and only the person who placed the call.
Similarly, we are all familiar with GPS systems which can tell us exactly how to get from one location to another without actually seeing where we are. Another example we are also all familiar with is WiFi hot spots that allow us to connect to the internet without being attached through wires. During this, the information your are searching for comes to you almost instantaneously even though there are many people around you using the same exact WiFi connection in the same place.
A human connection example is when a twin or parent knows immediately when something is wrong with their twin or child. We have all heard stories like this and most often, the intuition of the well/safe party is correct. This is because we are all connected at all times, these connections are just a little bit deeper/more realized than your connection with a stranger. From another perspective, have you ever had your eyes closed or back turned and yet knew exactly who was standing behind you? That is because you recognized their specific energy and how they "feel".
Each of us has a specific soul signature, soul song, or specific "energetic address" that can be tuned into just like the cell phone, GPS, etc. Even when I work with an animal in person, I connect to this energy during the session. To do a remote session, it does help to have a photo so that I can see into their eyes/soul, but I can tune into their specific energies through their name, your name, their age, location etc. This is like aiming the satellite or connecting the phone call. Through thought intentions as well as opening my heart and feeling their energy, it is like I make a cell phone call just for them during the session. I basically become a satellite to direct the healing energy from Source (God, whatever you want to call it) directly to your animal.
So, during a remote session, I become an open/clear channel for the healing energy to flow through me to your animal. Trough thought intention, heart connection, intuition, and the hermetic law of similarities (using a proxy stuffed animal to represent your animal), I can feel the energy of your animal and where they are blocked. The session then runs exactly as it would with me in the same physical space as your animal. I actually feel like we are together. One mediation/visualization I use to help maintain this connection is to picture both myself and your animal in a field (or other location) together -- that eliminates the feeling/belief of I am here and they are there. If anyone was to watch me during a remote session, they would see me moving my hands to different areas, removing blockages etc. just as I do in a traditional session.
Most people tell me that they are aware of exactly when I start the session as their animal will go lay down in a secluded spot for the duration. Then, they can tell when I am done as the animal seems calmer, happier, and starts moving around again. However, some animals do choose to move around during a session to help move the energy or because they are feeling something and don't know where it is coming from. It does not matter what they are doing (can even be out for a walk, car ride etc) - the connection remains strong (like a radio station signal) no matter where they are. Them moving around does not affect the healing energies at all as it flows out through their chakras (through our soul connection) and out to wherever is needed in their body.
During a remote session, I have a notebook beside me and write down all that I experience, feel, and see. I then will send you a detailed email about exactly what my perceptions, visualizations, feelings, and findings were. (Please see my blog explaining common Reiki visualizations). This tends to be a fairly long email as I want you to know exactly occurred from my point of view. (It usually takes me at least half an hour of typing). All of the visualizations are usually about releasing in some fashion or bringing in new energies. If you can keep that in mind, the email will make more sense. I include all of that as it might spark some memory of an event for you (maybe about the root cause or how they felt about something), info about needing to see a vet, or you might just find it interesting. Certainly, if you would prefer a shorter/more succinct email, I can accommodate that as well.
Most of us take for granted that when we make a cell phone call, the person on the other end of the call (no matter how far away they are) is miraculously hearing what is said immediately. This occurs without wired connection or being in the same space. Instead, the signal (along with millions of other calls at the same time) is bounced off a satellite and connected by a specific phone number/"address". You are able to have a conversation with exactly and only the person who placed the call.
Similarly, we are all familiar with GPS systems which can tell us exactly how to get from one location to another without actually seeing where we are. Another example we are also all familiar with is WiFi hot spots that allow us to connect to the internet without being attached through wires. During this, the information your are searching for comes to you almost instantaneously even though there are many people around you using the same exact WiFi connection in the same place.
A human connection example is when a twin or parent knows immediately when something is wrong with their twin or child. We have all heard stories like this and most often, the intuition of the well/safe party is correct. This is because we are all connected at all times, these connections are just a little bit deeper/more realized than your connection with a stranger. From another perspective, have you ever had your eyes closed or back turned and yet knew exactly who was standing behind you? That is because you recognized their specific energy and how they "feel".
Each of us has a specific soul signature, soul song, or specific "energetic address" that can be tuned into just like the cell phone, GPS, etc. Even when I work with an animal in person, I connect to this energy during the session. To do a remote session, it does help to have a photo so that I can see into their eyes/soul, but I can tune into their specific energies through their name, your name, their age, location etc. This is like aiming the satellite or connecting the phone call. Through thought intentions as well as opening my heart and feeling their energy, it is like I make a cell phone call just for them during the session. I basically become a satellite to direct the healing energy from Source (God, whatever you want to call it) directly to your animal.
So, during a remote session, I become an open/clear channel for the healing energy to flow through me to your animal. Trough thought intention, heart connection, intuition, and the hermetic law of similarities (using a proxy stuffed animal to represent your animal), I can feel the energy of your animal and where they are blocked. The session then runs exactly as it would with me in the same physical space as your animal. I actually feel like we are together. One mediation/visualization I use to help maintain this connection is to picture both myself and your animal in a field (or other location) together -- that eliminates the feeling/belief of I am here and they are there. If anyone was to watch me during a remote session, they would see me moving my hands to different areas, removing blockages etc. just as I do in a traditional session.
Most people tell me that they are aware of exactly when I start the session as their animal will go lay down in a secluded spot for the duration. Then, they can tell when I am done as the animal seems calmer, happier, and starts moving around again. However, some animals do choose to move around during a session to help move the energy or because they are feeling something and don't know where it is coming from. It does not matter what they are doing (can even be out for a walk, car ride etc) - the connection remains strong (like a radio station signal) no matter where they are. Them moving around does not affect the healing energies at all as it flows out through their chakras (through our soul connection) and out to wherever is needed in their body.
During a remote session, I have a notebook beside me and write down all that I experience, feel, and see. I then will send you a detailed email about exactly what my perceptions, visualizations, feelings, and findings were. (Please see my blog explaining common Reiki visualizations). This tends to be a fairly long email as I want you to know exactly occurred from my point of view. (It usually takes me at least half an hour of typing). All of the visualizations are usually about releasing in some fashion or bringing in new energies. If you can keep that in mind, the email will make more sense. I include all of that as it might spark some memory of an event for you (maybe about the root cause or how they felt about something), info about needing to see a vet, or you might just find it interesting. Certainly, if you would prefer a shorter/more succinct email, I can accommodate that as well.